15 inch SAW Touch Screen Panel PC It offers high image clarity & resolution and light transmission, It has durability since the overlay for the touch sensor is a solid glass display. This fanless panel pc was based on high-end industrial mainboard, integrated with Intel Atom Processor N2600/N2800 Dual core, backed up by TaiWan technology. Graphic card AMD Radeon HD7410M (onboard) will give you HD1080P experience, also support DirectX® 11 Dual Ethernet Lan Ports EuP/ErP Compliance Wake on Lan/PXE Built-in VGA port/HDMI port can be used for a external monitor. Supported OS: Windows XP, 32 bit, 64 bit Windows 7, 32 bit, 64 bit Windows 8, 32 bit, 64 bit Linux Fedora
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